Hey There, Juhl Jaxen Here!

I’m an intuitive transformational coach, alignment mentor, and spiritual teacher who specializes in helping people break free from old patterns and limiting beliefs to achieve higher, more elevated levels of living. As The Energy Renovator, I enjoy helping people awaken more fully to their purpose, passions, and power!

My Story

Awakening and Stepping Onto My Spiritual Path

I started my journey as a solo entrepreneur in 1995 and have gathered a large energetic ‘toolbox’ along the way to share with others.

I have personally experienced love and loss, highs and lows, and I feel that I have gained wisdom (and gray hair) along the way, to hold the hands of others as they traverse similar waters.

While on a personal retreat in Costa Rica in 2017, I had a profound and life-changing experience that amplified all of my work.

This experience was an initiation and energetic attunement that opened up new pathways that allow me to channel Ancient and Galactic Light Languages to work with coded activations that come through my voice, hands, and entire body.

One of the profound gifts from this experience expanded my ability to brighten, amplify, and help people transform and shift in miraculous ways.

My mission is to support community evolution by empowering YOU to stay aligned and connected to your strengths, passions, and purpose so you can expand your light and shine bright in the world.

High Vibes

I absolutely love doing this work and I carry high vibrational energy into everything I do! I bring a mix of authenticity, joyfulness, play, and spirituality into all of my work.

I am running this business because it's what I love and it's who I am. These are my gifts to share with others and I feel compelled to connect with intuitive and open individuals who align with their calling and who want to have a high-vibe supportive mentor in their corner.

On a Mission

I am an energetic guide and intuitive mentor and I’m here during these unprecedented times on the planet to help people through this global transition. My gifts & skills empower you and support the evolution of our community. I offer a safe place for you to wake up more fully into your purpose and power as you move out of heavy, outdated patterns to step into new timelines where there is an abundance of love and light for all.

Work with Me

Are you ready to shift?

We are in a powerful and transformational time on the planet. Changes are happening rapidly and there is new energy for us to work with if we are open to the invitation. Are you ready to make the shift happen? Take a leap and join me on this amazing journey into a new paradigm that we are creating together.

Supporting Empaths

I'm an empath, and I tend to attract others who are also highly sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions, as well as environments and the energy around them. I love motivating and inspiring others to step into their light and build the life they truly want for themselves.

I believe the key to life-changing transformation is connecting with your gifts, talents, intuition, and awareness. This alone empowers people to begin to manifest and create from a place of certainty and inner knowing.

My Values & Kind Words

















Love * Balance * Connection * Gratitude * Freedom * Authenticity * Honesty * Generosity *

“My integrative healing session with Juhl Jaxen was nothing less than amazing. I was suffering from all sorts of physical issues – headaches, fatigue, mental fog, issues with my vision – all of it gone after my session with Juhl. I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. Juhl Jaxen changed my life. If you’re thinking about doing a session with her, DO IT. You won’t regret it.” 

— Brenda

“I can’t believe the changes that have happened in both my life and in our home. Many positive changes have occurred. I am able to write again, our marriage is revitalized and I feel comfortable, creative, and happy living here.”


Jill Goux and Daughters

What I Love

  • Spending time with my two grown kiddos who bring me so much joy

  • Hiking and exploring our beautiful Mother Earth

  • Spending time on or near the water (paddleboarding, kayaking, floating, and boating)

  • Expressing myself creatively through dancing, drumming, painting, and gardening.

  • Traveling and going on adventures that enrich my life

  • Cooking and joyfully gathering with friends for a delicious meal

  • Renovating and updating homes